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Technology and the Rise of the International Corporate World

With the rise of modern technology, countries across the world are more connected than ever before. Countries across the world can easily interact with each other due to technology and various methods of communication. But how does this affect the international corporate world?

Before modern technology, the world seemed so incredibly big and disconnected; however, technology has brought a new realm of communication and international affairs, thus causing an influx in the international corporate world. According to the Washington University Law Review, the international corporate sector has changed drastically over the years and has become one of the most influential global sectors in the world. Instead of countries focusing on regional affairs, they have shifted their focus to a more broad scale, an international one.

Ultimately, technology has had a significant influence on the diffusion and impact of the international corporate world. Modern technology has revolutionized how countries connect and interact, leading to a surge in international business. With easier communication and global reach, the international corporate world has grown tremendously and has created an everlasting impact on the world.


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