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Taking the First Step in Your Corporate Journey

Hello! My name is Neha Veeramani, the executive founder of The Global Business Scholars. You can learn more about my interest in starting this platform here.

I have spent weeks constantly going through Wix tutorials on YouTube, Google, and the Wix website itself. However, I am beyond delighted to say that for the most part, The Global Business Scholars (GBS) site is officially up and running. Of course, some pages do need minor fixes and can always be perfected on, it is ready for the use of several students around the globe.

To reiterate on how exactly this platform works, if you are interested in taking part in general conversations with other students on business concepts, feel free to utilize our public forums and group conversations. This source allows students to not only take part in conversations with other students on business, but also has a Q&A (question and answer) platform.

However, if you are interested in taking this one step further, we do have the opportunity for students to apply to become an official writer/journalist for our platform. All you have to do is fill out this application. This is not simply limited to students within the United States, but to interested students all over the globe! Students accepted to become a writer will have the opportunity to compose blogs/posts such as this one, but on corporate concepts to help educate students on various concepts, or to write posts on corporate news updates.

Lastly, we are excited to announce that in the upcoming weeks, we will open officer applications for students to be a part of our executive team. Until then, we look forward to seeing your engagement in The Global Business Scholars to help share your corporate passion with many other curious minds around the world.


Neha Veeramani

Executive Founder of The Global Business Scholars


For any and all inquiries, please fill out our contact form on our website, or send us an email at

Our executive team will be in touch shortly.

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