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Automation in Business

Aditya Swain 🇺🇸

The components of a successful business can split into marketing, sales, and finance, which includes a foundation consisting of creativity, organization, and looking at risks to rewards ratios. AI Automation is crucial for modern businesses as it reduces the chances of human errors and improves accuracy in predicting sales. Which overall builds 2/3 of a business's foundation. AI automation used efficiently can save companies a large portion of the money, as AI can take over tasks that require repetition, which intern allows employers to focus on more strategic tasks that require more creativity.

According to a website known as "Business News Daily," although AI is currently struggling with tasks that require common sense; AI is excelling on tasks requiring data management, such as analyzing sales and creating risks-to-rewards ratios. AI automation has also been shown to help small businesses scale up without having to spend more money on manpower, demonstrating the potential of AI automation in modern enterprises.


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